Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland is exercising every precaution to address the impact a significant outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Maryland would have for the vulnerable seniors we serve. We continue to closely monitor information and resources being shared by the experts in disease control and will continue to be in regular communication with our Aging Services partners. We have put prevention and response plans in place and are updating them as new information and recommendations are made.
As of Monday, March 16, 2020, we are suspending all in home services for safety and comfort of our participants, volunteers and employees.
- Companion Visitors will continue their engagements with participants by phone.
- Grocery Shoppers will review grocery lists by phone and deliver groceries but not to remain for a visit.
- Meal delivery volunteers will deliver meals at the door (refrain from entering the home), and complete surveys in the same manner, at the door.
- All client support staff, case managers, and care coordinators will conduct business over the phone, and will make every effort to continue to work on your behalf to ensure you have what you need.
No adjustment to our home delivery schedule has been made at this time.
To be cautious, we have provided the following guidance to all volunteers and employees to prevent community spread of a virus:
- Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly
- Keep your hands away from your eyes and nose as much as possible
- Cough into your sleeve
- If you use a tissue, discard it immediately
- Stay rested and hydrated
- Remain home if you are sick, 24 hours post fever
- Practice social distancing by avoiding places and activities where large groups of people gather
At this time, we are also requiring that employees, volunteers, and participants notify us if they have traveled to a high-risk area or have been around someone who has within 14 days.
Our offices, distribution sites and equipment, are being sanitized regularly and hand sanitizers and wipes are readily available. We are also limiting large gatherings for meetings in our Haven Street office.
We will continue to stay informed of the latest news and updates, will continue to communicate updates and guidance to you as we receive recommendations. You can also check our website for the latest updates.