On June 16th, Ms. Archer-Smith had a chance to discuss her budget concerns in Westminster, MD at a Nonprofit Roundtable Disccussion organized by Senator Ben Cardin and his staff.
The Roundtable Discussion was well attended by Carroll County Nonprofit leaders who shared the same concerns regarding the proposed cuts that would affect everyone’s operating budget.
Of particular interest was the proposed cuts to Medicaid which would affect the well-being of the entire county and the constituents who depended on their services throughout Carroll County, including many Meals on Wheels clients.
Senator Cardin assured the nonprofit leaders that there was support even among some moderate Republicans to prevent the drastic cuts to Medicaid recommended by the White House, and echoed what we heard during our visit on Capitol Hill—Meals on Wheels is a bi-partisan issue.
There is a long way to go in the budget process. We at Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland are serious about protecting the services and benefits we provide to our clients.
We urge you to educate yourself about this topic, (download the PDF here) communicate with your elected officials by visiting this site www.mdelect.net to find out who your elected representatives are by district and let them know your concerns.
We will continue to communicate with you as this process unfolds.